Wednesday 2 July 2014

Fun Team Building Days in Edinburgh

A group enjoying a tour of the close

At The Real Mary King’s Close we like to do things a bit differently and can offer fun days out that your whole team will enjoy. We believe that a good team building day should have a social atmosphere, where everyone is given tasks to achieve together. It should also be designed to promote a closer working relationship so that those team players are working on the same page. Above all, the experience should be relevant and fun – it should convey a serious message without taking itself too seriously. After all, you want your team to remember the day for all the right reasons.

What is Team Building?

There are certain aspects of team building that illustrate early dynamics between each member. There can be a whole list of different scenarios that bring a team together; for instance a new company taking on new employees who have never met. Other scenarios include the company changing direction and needing to pull people together of the need to build leadership and improve organisational skills.

Make it a Party

So, one of the main things about team building is to create an environment that is fun but challenging. At The Real Mary King’s Close, we like to give you a few things to think about and we can offer a team building experience like no other that gets your team working in harmony. We have a range of different packages to suit all group sizes so get in touch for help planning your day.

Goals of a Team Building Exercise

A tour group in underground Edinburgh streets

Generally, the idea behind a team building exercise is to help each member find their niche within the team, but also to alter their own individual dynamics, adding to their confidence. Team building also allows people to learn flexibility and problem solving skills. When organisations change their inner dynamics some members of a team can feel threatened or nervous. Team building gives them that little extra confidence to cope with changes and still thrive in the working environment. It also tends to bring out the leaders and the followers, which can give managers a good insight into how to improve the team or switch it up to get the best from the group.

Our murder mystery evening is perfect for seeing how your team works together. Join us on Saturday 9th November to be transported back to the 1940's when the underground streets were used as an air raid shelter. Guests will play detective to uncover who committed the murder at a time when everyone was very vulnerable. For a real authentic experience, we suggest you come dressed in 1940's costume!               

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